Thursday, April 26, 2007

Nothing to report.

The past few days have been filled with being outside. We normally strollercize Monday, Wednesday and Friday - but today I met Tarrah and we went to the one in Westboro. Then we hit up MEC, where they STILL didn't have the rain shield I'm looking for.

Carson missed his morning nap, so he was a bit cranky by the time we got home. After a quick nurse, he went to bed and is still sleeping.

I haven't napped in probably 2 months, but today, now, I'm exhausted! I was going to catch a quick snooze while he slept then I started looking online for gazebos (I need shade in the backyard) and checking expedia for flights to Vancouver, doing laundry and starting dinner - so, no nap for me.

Carson's decked out in his SENS jersey and shoes - we're all looking forward to the game tonight (I only really watch hockey during the playoffs)

Tomorrow - strollercizing and then maybe Kiddytown. And then it's the weekend - yay!


Marathon Someday said...

A friend of mine put up a gazebo in her backyard for her baby (last summer). She's coming over next weekend, so I'll ask her what she did. It was inexpensive, looked REALLY good, and allowed her and the baby lots of time in the backyard during the summer.

desajair said...

I hope the rain holds off for your strollercize tomorrow! Had a great time, Kailey was so good--she had a bit of a whine when we left the lactation consultants, but that was because the lady measured her and she hated it. I just got up from a nap, and Kailey is still sleeping!

Roni said...

Thanks so much for visiting my site! It's nice to see that I'm not the only web geek mom out there. I also have a family blog all about my son Ryan. :)