Monday, April 16, 2007

More snow in April

Then we had in December!

We were off to Kanata for a playdate today, then after passing more than a few cars in ditches, I decided to turn around and come home. If I had been by myself, I would have gone ahead no problem (but then I wouldn't be going to a playdate, now would I?) but with the little guy, all I could think about was what if we got stuck out there? What if we got into an accident? You may laugh, and I am normally not such a nervous Nelly but I just didn't have a good feeling when we started out and decided to go with my gut and come home. Which is really too bad because I was really looking forward to seeing Tarrah and Laurie and Carson was anxious to see Kailey and Alyssa.

I bought rice cereal and a little bowl and spoon set to start Carson on solids. I won't be doing it for about a month or so, but I saw it while I was grocery shopping and decided to pick it up. I like to be prepared :) Jeff would say it's just because I like to shop and buy things, and well, that's true too. The doctor said to start around 5 months but I'm going to start when Carson seems to be ready for it.

Jeff's golf trip this weekend was cancelled so now he and the guys are having a conference call to decide where to go instead. They make me laugh. Carson and I are going to go stay with my mom, cause I love being in that neighbourhood so instead of driving there every day, we'll just stay over. It gets Carson used to sleeping somewhere else then his crib (he'll sleep in the playpen) cause when we go to PEI in May (and for three weeks in July) that's where he'll be sleeping.


desajair said...

definitly better to be safe than sorry--we missed you though! The roads on this side were all clear, though there were a couple traffic lights out.

I'm thinking next time at my house!

Christy said...

Ohh sounds good - count me in!!

Marathon Someday said...

Glad you turned around - isn't this weather INSANE? Raiya is growing out of her sundresses as each day passes because of this ridiculous weather.

Rice cereal - Raiya is starting to show signs of readiness. I'm going to do a bit more research, and will probably start her very slowly in a couple of weeks. Exciting, isn't it?