Thursday, April 19, 2007

It's amazing

What a little sunshine will do. I'm staying at mom and ricky's for a few days while Jeff is away in Niagra. Today we spent the majority of the time outside, we went for a short (distance wise) but long (time wise) walk with Ethan and Isabelle to the store to get some milk. Carson slept the whole time. Then we had lunch outside, Carson had a short sweet nap and then when he woke up, I put him in the stroller (without his cosy!) and we were off. We walked a total of 12 km and I ran for 6 of them! With the stroller! Holy. That was tough. But, I did it. I can't walk now, but that's ok :)

As I was walking I was just thinking about how much I'm enjoying my time off with Carson. I love filling the days full of things to do. He loves his stroller - just looking at the world around him. There's a little window in the sun canopy so I can look down at him and see if he's awake or asleep and often times he's looking up through the canopy at the sky. God I love that kid. I don't think my life could possibly get any better right now. Well, unless money fell from the sky, but short of that - nothing. I love it. And I love the sun.

Tomorrow is strollercizing. I must remember to put on sunscreen. I didn't today and I can feel my skin is tight and it looks a touch red.

Carson went to bed tonight without a peep. I love it. I love putting him to bed, watching him squirm to get comfortable, make his "I'm getting comfy" noises and then bam. He's out. Who knows how long it will last, so I'm enjoying it while I can.

Now I'm off, going to get into bed, read my In Touch followed by the new Weight Watchers magazine and then drift off to sleep myself. Nite!


desajair said...

I'm the same way--I just LOVE being off with Kailey. Its seriously going to suck going back to work, but not at the same time.

Ohhh, strollercize, I wish it was closer--I don't think Kailey would tolerate that long a ride in the car without someone with her! Spoiled little squirt!

Marathon Someday said...

I can't believe how quickly our mat leaves are going by. I don't even want to THINK about going back to work, honestly.

Why can't we win lotteries so that we can just stay at home and watch our children grow?
