Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A few things

1/ My soup was awesome. Tons of beans, veggies, some chicken and a handful of soup pasta. So yummy!

2/ He's still sleeping (an hour and a half so far)

3/ I love Today's Parent. I just got it last night (my mom got me a two year subscription) and on the cover it says there's a guide to buying car seats, which is what I'm doing in the next couple weeks, so hopefully there will be tons of good info

4/ I LOVE my jogging stroller. I've been doing about a 10K walk every day and today I went down to my mom's house and walked all around Ottawa South, along the river, over bridges and through the grass. The stroller is such a smooth ride, Carson loves it - he just watches absoloutely everthing. I got a big piece (for lack of a better word) of lambskin that fits perfectly in the stroller. It keeps him warm in the winter and cool in the summer (the synthetic 'cozies' or 'snugglies' just don't do the same as the lambskin, it's worth the money). The sun shade on the stroller goes so far down that there is no sun on his face. I've been getting a great workout and having Carson out in the fresh air is a bonus!

Now off to look for something that I can't say because it may be a surprise for someone that reads this.



Marathon Someday said...

Hey Christy - let me know if you find out anything useful about the carseats. R is about to outgrow hers, and i need a new one - I'd appreciate all the help I can get!


CrYs said...

We just bought Alex a new carseat.. We got this one:

It's awesome.. good from 0-100 lbs :D

It even comes with its own cupholder.. how great is that?

Christy said...

And that's the top rated seat (for combination 3 and 1). I asked a friend too (Desajair) to look into the consumer reports and that one and the Britax Roundabout were rated the highest.