Monday, April 23, 2007

Birth Certificate

I'm blogging so much cause the lil guy is sleeping so much! I think the fresh air just knocks him right out. He slept from 7 till 6:15 this morning and then went back to bed after a quick nurse until 7:45. Wowee I'm feeling lucky these days :)

We just got our notice of birth registration in the mail (finally) and now I'm applying for his birth certificate. There is a long one ($35) and a short one ($25). I know we need the long one to get a passport, so for sure we are getting the long one, but any thoughts on getting the short one too?

Thanks :)

We are off to strollercize (I LOVE it) when he wakes up. It's at 10:15 so I'm hoping this is a short nap (who would have ever thought I'd be wishing for a short nap). This afternoon I'm going to try and assemble the gazebo-y type thing in the backyard. We need shade cause we will be spending lots of time out there.


Marathon Someday said...

Thanks for posting about sleep!! I haven't read it in detail yet, but will for sure let you know if we have any questions.

We tried a bit of rice cereal in R's bottle last night - and she slept a LOT last night. I'm not overly keen on putting in the bottle regulary - we just wanted to test for stomach sensitivity.

As for the b/c - I only got the short one. I didn't realize you needed a long one for passports. However - there is a website (I'll see if can find the link later) where you can get the b/c AND SIN at the same time - that's what I did.

I'm really hoping to get out today, but I still feel weak. I said - walking vicariously through you and Carson, so breathe in a little bit of that lovely sunshine for us, okay?:-)

Christy said...

Ohh - good to know she didn't have any type of reaction! ANd some babies need those extra calories to sleep longer - whatever works!

I'll look for that link too, where I can do two at once (I like time savers!) I'll definitely breathe in some fresh air and send it your way, I'm really hoping you start to feel better soon!

desajair said...

I applied for the birth cert and sin at the same time online when I registered her birth. 8) I'm still waiting to hear back--I guess I won't expect it for another 2 months.

I ordered both the long and short because like you said, the long is needed for passport, and for me, the short makes sense to keep because its way easier to carry. I'll probably give her the short one for when she leaves home, and keep the long one in our saftey deposit box. (but that's just b/c that's what my parents did for me)

Christy said...

Heh my parents did the same thing for me too

Marathon Someday said...

Just found out that you can apply for a passport using the short form, if that helps...