Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Week # 6

I had my doctor's appt last night with my family doctor. Jeff surprised me and showed up so he could come in with me :)

We found out Jeff's blood type (AB+) and I am A-. This means that during delivery, I will have to get a shot of anti-antibodies to the rhesus factor. The + rhesus factor is the dominant gene, which means this baby will have it. I have the negative factor, so I will build up antibodies towards the positive because my body will see it as foreign. So at any point where my blood can be mixed with the baby's blood, it could cause harm to the baby which is why I will need the anti-antibodies. During subsequent pregnancies, I will need to get the shot earlier on in the pregnancy because I will have the anti bodies left over from this pregnancy.

Other than that, no real new information. I got sent for blood tests (during which one of my veins collapsed so she had to switch arms and it bloody hurt!) and I scheduled an appt with my obstetrician for June 22nd and another appt with my family doctor for my pre-natal assessment and to start maternal screening - more on that next week!

Feeling good again today, still don't feel like eating first thing in the morning - or much throughout the day to be honest. I just bring like 10 little snacks and munch on those all day long.

I dont know if this is a result of being pregnant but my skin is SUPER oily - it's disgusting! I could feel the grease on my face all day yesterday. I am going to buy those face wipes to use throughout the day I think. I don't normally wear make up to work so I don't have to worry about that.


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