Friday, April 21, 2006


I'm SICK! My wonderful husband passed along his nasty cough/cold. Normally I think - hey, shit happens. But, not being able to pop pills like I so often do kind of changes my view on this.

I had a crappy sleep last night because I kept coughing, and when I would stop - Jeff would start. My brother in law spent the night (he was in Ottawa from Halifax for work) so I couldn't even kick Jeff out to go to the other bed.

So I'm cranky, tired and sick. Want to be my friend?

I don't feel as fat today, my regular jeans feel somewhat loose on me. I think I'll go shopping this weekend for some shirts. I am going to Toronto at the end of May (Jeff's brother Michael is getting married) so I'm going to check out some of the mat stores they have there, but I guess you can't buy maternity clothes till you get to that point, cause who knows what my body is going to be like?

I'm too cranky to write, I'll be back soon enough.


1 comment:

desajair said...

Oh, you poor thing! My FAV non-drug cold rememdy is hot lemon tea with honey. Mmmm. I use real lemon juice in it, but the actual lemon tea bags work well too.

Hot milk with honey too if you're feeling extra icky (works to put you to sleep too!). Garanteed by my Gramma!

You should have stayed home from work!