Is it normal to gain this weight so early in a pregnancy? God, I don't know if it's my mind playing games with me (which happens alot, so wouldn't totally surprise me) but I feel like I've gained 10 lbs in the past week.
Jeff threw out my scale a few weeks ago (becuase of my weighing myself obsessiveness) so I can't know for sure, but I feel so bloated! It looks like I have a tummy already, it can't be though, can it?
My clothes fit OK, but they feel tight... I feel tight....
I need more clothes. I don't really want to buy 1 size up clothes, becuase they will only fit me for a short amount of time and then what the hell will I do with them? So I'm totally in a dilemna right now, maybe I should take my mom's advice and hit up a second hand store for some tops. I can use the whole elastic band trick on my pants, but the tops are kind of hard to manipulate.
Jeff said he'd take me shopping and I just might take him up on it!
I love "My Pregnancy Week by Week" and My Pregnancy Journal, it's fun to read about what the baby looks like, what's happening each week/day and it gives great little tips on nutrition and exercise. I have been way too tired to exercise but I'm starting again tomorrow. I think I may order a book online about being fit while pregnant. I talked to my Dr. about it and he said I can do wahtever I want, the only rule is to listen to your body. I tried running but I had cramps so I think I will stick to lower impact activities. I mean I know there are lots of women who can run while pregnant, but maybe I won't be able to. And I'm OK with that - I have been running for 3 years now, what's a 9 month break? Not saying I am completely giving up on it yet, I will try a few more times but I am not going to push it.
I had to sit down and let the nausea pass this morning, I think I get up too quickly in the morning. I have never been one to just lie in bed, as soon as I wake up, I get out of bed. My mind is filled with everything I have to do that day, so I want to get as early a start as possible. Maybe I will start reading a bit of my journal or pregnancy book in the morning when I wake up....