Friday, July 21, 2006


Last night I came home after volleyball and had a fantastic sleep, from 9:30ish to 6:42 (to be exact). I woke up briefly when Jeff got up for golf (he was up at 5) but quickly went back to my dream.

I know I've mentioned before that I am/was a chronic stomach sleeper. Now, for obvious reasons, I can't do that anymore. So I got a body pillow (actually, my mom had held onto the body pillow I had back in university so I gave it a wash and voila, saved $14) and I sleep on my left side (as all baby books tell me), hug the pillow and put the end of the pillow between my legs. And it's comfortable.

BUT (you knew this was coming) I wake up hourly and each and every time I wake up, I'm on my back! Now I've read that you shouldn't sleep on your back when you are pregnant, but how the heck do you prevent it? And I think that it's really only in the 3rd trimester that it's important you don't sleep on your back, so maybe I'm OK for now. Of course, every time I wake up on my back, in true crazy pregnant lady form, I have major rushes of guilt. I turn over, go back to sleep and then wake up an hour later on my back.

So, I'm asking all the pregnant ladies and moms out there, am I really doing any danger by sleeping on my back? I'm only 19 weeks. And furthermore, how the heck did you prevent yourself from sleeping on your back? My grandfather used to stitch a tennis ball to the back of his pyjamas so he couldn't sleep on his back, not because he was pregnant, because if he ended up on his back, he would snore and wake my grandmother up. That's love.


Anonymous said...

It won't kill you . I believe I ended up putting a pillow behind me but even then I rolled onto my back. But at least the pillow would still prop me up a bit. You can't help what you do while sleeping. Sure was a production moving all the pillows everytime I wanted to flip over to the other side though....

Christy_Ann said...

I've heard the tennis ball trick as well. I'm trying to convince Tom to give it all go...!

Don't worry about sleeping on your back. Imagine all the billions and billions of healthy babies that have EVER been born all over the world throughout time. Those pregnant women didn't have these "warnings" and everything turned out all right...

Anonymous said...

It's not supposed to be good once you're in the 2nd trimester- I've found myself doing the same thing! I *NEVER* slept on my bloody back until pregnancy. I've always gone to sleep on my right side, and woken up on my right side. Now that I'm SUPPOSED to sleep on my side, I can't.

I've found that putting a pillow behind me keeps me from completely rolling over, and lets me get a liiitle bit of sleep in on my "back" (propped up against the pillow) without it being too dangerous. (the reason why it's a bad thing is because your extra weight compresses an artery and reduces blood flow to the uterus. Which I imagine can't be good for you or the baby) But like Christy Ann says, it's probably no big deal and when it actually becomes dangerous, it will probably start bugging you to lay on your back.

The tennis ball thing just sounds irritating. :)

To keep from just rolling over onto the pillow, use a BIG pillow. :) I find that the effort involved with rolling onto a big firm pillow wakes me up before I complete the roll.