Tuesday, July 25, 2006



That's all I can say. Wow.

I will just keep referring to the baby as a he cause it's annoying to write he/she all the time. The baby was playing with his toes, at one point he had both feet up and was touching them. He was sucking his thumb and just moving all over the place, not flipping but just wailing it's arms and legs. It's amazing how much he's moving and yet I haven't felt anything yet. The measurements are all at about 19 weeks (they measure the femur for example and then write beside it what week that measurement corresponds to) I asked if that meant my due date would be pushed back, but D. Farrell said no, they will only push up/back a due date when you measure 12 days (plus or minus) difference. The heart rate is 149 and you can see the heart during the u/s and it's beating so fast it's crazy. The screen is pointed away from you while the technician is doing all the measuring, so for the first 10 minutes or so, Jeff could see the screen but I couldn't, it was pure torture! Finally when I saw it, I just couldn't believe it. The baby's head is down and it's feet are up, it's 300 grams. I have a low lying placenta so if it doesn't go up, I will need a C-section, but he says 98% chance it will move out of the way. Either way, if that's the worst problem I have right now, I can deal with it. What a relief to see the baby move and to know it's growing the way it should be and that everything looks good. I'm so happy.

The u/s pictures aren't that great, I wish there was a clearer one of him playing with his toes. Apparently you have to tell the technician you want pictures when you are in with him/her. We didn't know that (and the receptionist was quite rude about it) and so when we were all done, she gave us the report and then I said - what about the pictures. She said - oh did you tell her you wanted pictures? Jeff asked how were we supposed to know that and she said there are signs, sure, she pointed to one sign outside the room we were escorted into but I wasn't looking on all the walls while walking down that hallway. Grrrr... when you say it's your first ultrasound they should tell you this stuff, how else would we know? I was a tad miffed, but I got over it.

They are sending me for a consult with a neurologist because of my headaches, but the dr. said not to worry it's most likely a result of the pregnancy.

I slept like poo last night, was awake from about 1-5, watched the crazy storm though!


Anonymous said...

That is so wonderful!!!! I'm glad everything was great! On a side note....I have never heard of that for the pictures. I had about 6 or 7 ultrasounds within my pregnancy and they gave pictures everytime. I mean, who wouldn't want pictures???? Where did you go?

Anonymous said...

Jeez! Who wouldn't want pictures? Unless it's your fourteenth kid and you're planning on giving it to the gypsies, pictures are a given. :) Either way, they should start every ultrasound session with "Do you want pictures?"

Your baby sounds gorgeous. :)

Christy said...

Thank you ladies!

PLUS - you had to PAY for your pictures! What the heck? Insanity I tell you.

I went to the Carling Ultrasound clinic, and the lady was so rude about it I had to ask Jeff not to say anything to her about it, sometimes I'm a wimp!

Christy_Ann said...

Sounds lovely. Shame about the piccies - and I know those hospital staff can be SO condescending!

I burst into tears when I saw our first ultra-sound. Our baby was asleep and she had to jab him (through my tummy) with the ultra-sound machine to get him to wake up and move into the position that she wanted!

He didn't take kindly to being woken - and still doesn't.

Anonymous said...

I remember, the little one was not in the correct positioning so the technician had to push and move my stomach and it hurt for days after from all the pressing!

OK - note to self not to go to Carling for next baby.....I actually was going to go there since it's very close to my work.

You did end up getting some pictures though right? I'm dying to see them and see if I can see the baby!

CrYs said...

I had to pay for my photos too.. but I didn't mind doing that because I knew that the funds were going to the children's hospital

(I had to have my ultrasound done in the special care unit).

Can't wait to see some photos !