Thursday, August 09, 2007

Still hurting.

Poor guy - only the one top tooth has broken through completely, I can see bits and pieces of the remaining three. But he's still in pain. He goes through spells of happy and sad. Most of the day today he was happy. I fed him his lunch, put him down and after about 5 minutes he started to cry. I went upstairs and found he had thrown up in his crib. I cleaned him off (he was screaming while I cleaned him up) and put him on my shoulder and he was asleep in about 30 seconds. Then when he woke up he was pretty sad, and again - totally lethargic and just lying in my arms. I took him for a nice long walk in the fresh air (it's not super hot today, it's about 24 with a nice breeze) and he slept for about half an hour. An hour later, he's back in bed.

I hope these fricking teeth break through soon. They say the painful part of teething is before the teeth break through the gums. Poor little munchkin. But he has me wrapped around his finger these days so I'm giving him whatever it is he needs.


Kristen said...

Awww :( many more teeth to go? Poor little guy..

desajair said...

One of my books says teething goes in three day increments, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you're in the home stretch. That's pretty severe though isn't it--with the throwing up and temperature? See, I know nothing about kids...