Monday, March 31, 2008
Tee hee
He has his 15 month dr. appt (at 16 months), so I took the whole day off. I think we're headed to the museum, his appt, home for a nap and then to a kids play area. Just me and my little guy. I'm looking forward to it.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Oh he's funny
Swimming swimming in my swimming pool.....
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Saturday we went for a walk to a farm (which was funny, we were driving along Danforth, busy street with busy side streets and all of a sudden, there was a farm). Carson loved the goats the best. It still kills me to see Carson just walking along....
Then we went on to my Donna and Ellery's house after Carson's nap. After running around the house chasing the cats and finding two baskets of golf balls (you should have seen his expression when he stumbled upon those), he proceeded to fall asleep quite early. Which left the rest of us to sit around, eat dinner and catch up. It was long overdue. The next day was Easter and Carson was lucky that his Auntie Donna Easter Bunny bought him a new Diego helicopter push toy!
Then it was off yet again to Blair and Cathy's for dinner, with the whole Walker clan (minus Dad and Arlene, Sam, Carrie and Rob and the kids). It was pretty loud there (we tried to warn Carson about the Walkers!) but by this point, Carson was a bit overtired from all the travelling and being in new places, so he stuck to his mom and dad pretty close. And of course, was comforted by his cars, trucks and trains.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
A few pictures before we go
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Such different strokes for different folks
I don't think I am like that. I think there are parts of parenting that I don't particularly enjoy, however I like to think it's moreso that I love aspects of working, so it's a good balance for me. I've always enjoyed being around people, challenging myself (when it comes to work), being in a work environment and having a life away from my family. Where people don't see me just as Christy, the mom. It's like a lead a double life, and it's great.
It just goes to show there are tons of fabulous women out there with so many different takes on staying at home with your kids. I honestly believe that one isn't necessarily right and one is not wrong, but in the end we all just want our kids to grow up the best they can. And as happy as can be.
NB: When I say there are parts to parenting I don't enjoy, I can honestly say there's never been a minute that I hated it, or wishing we went back to our single lives, but there are certainly times I feel the need to leave the house for a bit, to get out on my own. But no matter how brief the time I'm gone, I'm always happy and excited to get back to it. To get back to my family.
You know what?
Sure some people may think I don't love being a mom as much as they do, just because I like my balance of work and being at home. Or because sometimes I scoot out and let Jeff put him to bed on his own because I want to meet with the girls for coffee. Or maybe because sometimes on the weekend I head out to shop or meet with friends while, heaven forbid, Carson is awake and it's important to note, happy at home spending alone time with Daddy.
I'm quite happy that when I go away for a weekend in April, I have no doubts that Jeff will be just fine and him and Carson will get along swimmingly without me. I can't imagine being the only one who could care for Carson. The only one who ever put him to bed at night, got him out of bed in the morning - what good is that for anyone involved?
I think having some Christy time is important for all of us. It helps Jeff to become more secure and comfortable in the daddy-role, it helps Carson learn to get along without me, and it helps me be a better mother, wife and all around person.
Carson is growing up to be a kind, generous and happy boy. He's shy for a few minutes when he meets new people, but then quickly shows off all his tricks and wants to play with everyone. I like the person he is, the child he is... I'm quite fond of him. And there couldn't be a prouder mother out there.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Winter boots weren't such a hit with him. So I tried rainboots. Much easier to put on and I figured not as heavy. But, same as the boots, he won't move with them. He'll stand there and as soon as he wants to move, he'll let me know (see picture below) he'll only move if I'm holding him.
This kid loves anything on wheels. The other day we went for a walk and he stood on the street corner and just pointed at each car as it went by. He could have stayed there for hours!
He'll run from the living room into the kitchen and then come back and try to scare us. He has this new toddler laugh/screech thing when he thinks something is really funny. Even Auntie Carrie said his laugh sounds more kid-ish and less baby-ish.
My stupid camera wouldn't take the picture fast enough. Sofia and Carson shared a little kiss, but this is the only picture I got.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
He has this thing now where he walks with his hand on the bottom part of his back:
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Now I'm not so sure
Not one scream yesterday. Happier than usual. To the point we joked about our caregiver giving him drugs during the day to make him so happy.
And I looked in his mouth and nothing looked different from the day before, so it's not like they finally poked through or anything.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
More teeth, what's new?
Carson's normally a pretty happy go lucky kid. Nothing really phases him. He's certainly a mommy's boy, but does quite well on his own and is happy to play and entertain himself for the most part. Well not lately. The other night, I had to make a salad for dinner and he stayed in the exact same spot and screamed for a good 10 minutes. If it wasn't so sad it may have been funny. He didn't move his feet. Towards the end he started to squat, but still didn't move his feet. Yesterday when Jeff dropped him off at care, he kept turning towards Jeff and looked at him with his big beautiful eyes - as if to say, why are you leaving me here? But then when I picked him up, S said he was perfect and two seconds after Jeff left Carson was happy playing with the kids. He had a great day. Last night started out great, we went for about an hour walk in his sled (my arms are paying for it now) and about 10 minutes before we got home he started wailing again. Then didn't stop for about 25 minutes after we got in the house. I was doing everything I could - he would not stop. I put him down to go to the washroom and then came back out and sat in the living room (he was by the kitchen table) and was trying to convince him to come over and read a book with me (his favorite book!) and he would take 2 steps - then scream for 5 minutes. Then another two steps - and scream (it wasn't crying so much as screaming?). Finally we gave in and went and got him.
This morning was the first time in a couple days he's woken up in the morning without crying. Before this weekend, he never woke up crying. Not in months and months! This morning he seemed like his old self. Jeff said he was a bit iffy going to S again this morning when he dropped him off, but we were away for almost 2 weeks so it's not totally surprising that it's taking him a while to get used to going again.
Monday, March 10, 2008
It's so easy to forget
Finally after we got plowed out last night (aroudn 5:30), (51cm of snow fell on Ottawa over the weekend) we made it to Justen's birthday party (8 hours late, but better late then never, right?) and Grace, Jaeda, Maisie, and Justen were all playing so well together. I would go over and sit with Carson on my lap and slowly but surely he'd get up and play. I would slowly move away from the room and try to sit and just watch, but as soon as he'd spot me, he'd be over within a matter of seconds. I want him to grow up and be comfortable to be around other kids and not as shy as I was.
Ok, I know he's only 15 months. But why not start him getting used to other kids now? It can't hurt. So I'm making a mental note to have a playdate for him every weekend. Which won't be that hard to accomplish seeing as every one of my friends has kids - so we BOTH get a playdate :)
Monday, March 03, 2008
The first time
I thought I had posted this, but guess not. Carson woke up at 10 and was back down at 11:45 and is still sleeping (it's now 2pm). The whole time he was awake he was just sitting on my lap, snuggling his head into my chest. He hasn't eaten anything other than two squares of toast in the last two days. I've been giving him apple juice mixed with pedialyte out of his bottle, which I hate to do but he was sick and needed to be coddled.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Thank you for your wishes
Carson seems fine now, he keeps burping and I can hear it all in his stomach, but he's still super happy so I'm hoping the bug made it out of his system faster then the rest of the sickies!
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Oh no!
Grammy and Grampy are here visiting. Keep your fingers crossed that Carson and I stay healthy!