It's cold out there! It appears as if (and I'm
really reluctant to write this) Carson is back to normal. But he's been sleeping more and all around in a much better mood! The past few weeks he's been off - clingy, whiny, fussy and just not happy. We do all we can to make and keep him happy and don't mind giving him all the attention he needs but it makes ME sad when he's so off. Anyways, today he's been in the best mood he's been in since he started daycare. We knew he was just having a rough time adjusting, but hopefully he's feeling more settled now.

We went to chop down a Christmas tree today (I know, and I'm
sorry, but it IS from a Christmas tree farm if that helps!). It was bloody cold!
We've taken over the sleigh from Carrie and Rob (which was passed down from Dad and Arlene), so we bundled Carson up in a big duvet we used to use while camping and went traipsing through the farm to find the perfect tree. We met up with Kaethe, Peter and Justen (Jaeda was waiting in the car, it was THAT cold)

Within a matter of seconds we had picked our tree. It was about the 3rd one I saw.

Kaethe and Peter had already chopped down a
Scotch Pine and we actually thought we were going
ghetto with our tree and that Kaethe and Peter had gone fancy schmancy but when we went to pay, we found out our
fraser fir was almost twice the price!
But it's beautiful, it's Carson's first tree (we didn't get one last year, we were a little busy) and I'm so excited to put it up tomorrow.

Now we are home, we've eaten dinner, Carson's gone to bed - completely tuckered out. Tomorrow we are supposed to be getting 20cm of snow - everyone is saying no one should go out unless it's necessary. I'm going to do Christmas baking, laundry, decorating the tree (and house) and spend time with my two favourite people!

Oh - and tonight Carson played peekaboo. But this time, he was the one who put the blanket over his head and would take it off a few seconds later when we asked "Where's Carson". We keep forgetting that as he gets older, he understands so much more then we think he does. He did it for so long, and then as soon as we thought to take a video and actually got the camera, he got tired of it and refused to play any more!
How come you're sorry about getting an xmas tree? They are WAY more enviro friendly than fake ones. The real ones at least can get mulched and re-used.
Awesome pics.
Carson is so cute all rugged up!
It never ceases to amaze me that you guy's should be freezing up there in Canada while here in Oz we are currently high-tailing it to the nearest pool and melting in the heat.
I was just going to say the same thing desajair said. Feel good about your choice!
It looks great, and the family pics are sweet.
SweetRelief (from ww boards)
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