I took an early lunch break today and went to Babies R Us and bought a few things (a bottle, washcloths, receiving blankets, diapers) and am feeling a tad better now. Buying things always calms me down. We bought the paint and hopefully sometime this week we'll do the small bit of painting that needs to be done in the nursery. I lent out a whole bunch of my newborn stuff so I have to make a run out to Casselman to visit my good friend, her adorable little boy Myles and pick up some clothes. I started to freak out the other night thinking I didn't have much for him until I remembered it was just with friends!
I was going to try to work till next Tuesday, but I've been having weird cramps at the top of my stomach and I'm really quite bloated, so I'm thinking after my doctor's appt tomorrow morning I'll know if I should be off or not. Either way, it's only maximum of 5 working days left.
And let me tell you, if there's a next baby, I will NOT be due in the middle of the summer.
You look cuter than evah! I can't wait to talk to you. Let it be before your little guy arrives, okay? No pressure, I know you are super busy.:-)
Oh gosh--when Jon gets home--I'll have him drop off everything for you. Been meaning to get it back to you for WEEKS! So sorry!
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