Friday, March 12, 2010

We just can't....

get enough of the sun...

of being outside....

of the melting snow...
the fresh air...
to be continued....


Ricki said...

Cute pics! Your little guy must be crawling up a storm by now! I'm surprised that he's sitting so still in the bumbo.

Christy said...

My little guy is not interested in crawling! In the past two weeks he just started sitting up on his own (without toppling over). He's content to stay in one spot (except that he spins himself around). He's happy in his bumbo (which works for me, or else we wouldn't have been able to have this picnic!)

Teresa said...

Saturday looked perfect to be out and about. Sunday was PJ day for me all that rain made me want to hide under the covers.

Marathon Someday said...

Is it wrong that I want to eat B up? He is SUCH a yummilicious little baby.

He's going to be on the move before you can blink, so enjoy it for now. (Although, my heart skips a beat watching little R chase S around - isn't that why we had kids in the first place?).

Wishing I was on mat leave again when I see these pics, and wishing that you lived closer.