Was perfect. The week of Christmas, the weather was beautiful! We spent lots of times playing outdoors, toboganning, making crafts, baking, reading, watching Christmas specials and overall, getting excited for Christmas.
Perfect present from Auntie Erin and Uncle Jan - the sled for Beckett. He sleeps in it while we go sledding!

Isabelle is in love with Beckett. Girls and their babies!

Doing some Christmas crafts...

Playing outside!

We put out cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer...

Christmas morning came and Carson was quite excited. All Carson asked for for Christmas was machine trucks, and Santa came through for him. Honestly, if that's all there was under the tree he'd be happy. He wasn't totally into opening presents, he would have just played with his bulldozer and backhoe for the whole morning. But we opened presents and he got lots of wonderful things. Big hits were boardgames. We got a fantastic one from Uncle Mark and Auntie Annette that we play a couple times every day. Beckett slept through the whole thing (maybe because Carson woke up at 6am that morning, so Christmas was said and done by 7am) but when he got up we put his new toy on his highchair and he was quite amused by it.

Then there was chaos. We packed up and went to Mom and Ricky's for the afternoon. The only word I can use to accurately describe it, is CHAOS. Insanity comes in as a close second though.
There were cousins. There were presents. There was wrapping paper. There was squealing, jumping, laughing, giggling, ripping and yelling. It was so insane that I was just randomly shooting pictures. I didn't even get one of the boys in their "Lil Bro" and "Big Bro" shirts. Anyways, we had a wonderful Christmas!

1 comment:
Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year to you and yours!
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