Has it really been more than two months? Yikes! The summer just FLEW by!! Wait, that last statement assumes that the summer is over and there's still time, isn't there?
I've kind of been putting off updating this blog becuase I've missed SO much that I was intimidated by the amount of things I would have to talk about and pictures I would have to post.
Ok, so end of June we went to Halifax and PEI for summer vacay! We had a great time visiting Uncle Mark, Aunt Annette, Zach and Alex in Halifax. Then we moved onto PEI for about 10 days and had wonderful weather, spent the majority of the time at the cottage with Auntie Erin and Petra. Carson was loving having Grammy and Grampy there every day and waking up to a new day with family and fun. Beckett loved the beach, more specifically he loved eating the sand. All of my PEI pictures are on Jeff's computer so I will have to come back and post them one day.
Beckett turned 1! We spent his birthday in the hospital (the first time Ive had to take a child to CHEO) because our otherwise happy baby was NOT happy for about a 12 hr period. I know every parent probably says it, but seriously? Beckett is the happiest baby around. I'm not the only who thinks so either, everyone tells us that. He has this smile that just lights up the room. He's gorgeus, he loves to cuddle, he loves people, he plays with other kids well, he's smart as a whip too (he feeds himself with a spoon? At 13 months?), he's quick like a bunny (not walking, but open a door anywhere in the house and see him try to escape!). Whoops, I got totally side tracked there, so when he wasn't happy I felt something was wrong so I took him to the hospital. It was a long visit, but we were well looked after the whole time. He was having problems breathing so we were given a few different steriods (through masks) and then finally sent home with a puffer. The next day we found out he had a chest and nose infection. So his first week into year 2 wasn't super great, but he bounced back quickly and was back to his old self after a couple of days.
So we may have not had a birthday party on his birthday, but we have so many people who love him that he had a few mini celebrations.
Starting off by a party in PEI....

A surprise party (for him as well as us!) by our friends Lynne and Dwight...

And a final one - the last birthday party at Grandma and Nonno's house

There has been cottages, BBQs, day trips to the farm, to the museum, friend's houses, swimming, soccer - it seems every other day we were off with something to do. It kept us busy, happy and smiling.

And I suppose most recently our biggest events included the boys starting daycare and mommy going back to work. I loved being home with my two boys for a year, I really did. We had so much fun together. But I'm in my element when I'm a working mom. The job of being a stay at home mom is definitely harder than my job, but being a working mom is more difficult. Balancing it all. Feeling fulfilled by both is hard. You have to be super organized by having lunches for working parents made, laundry done, groceries done - all on top of being at work for 8 hours a day. Plus, the most important thing? Spending precious time with your kiddies when you are at home.
I found an absolutely wonderful caregiver. She used to look after kids before she became a kindergarten teacher. Then she had two kids (the same age as ours!) and decided to stay at home with them. Lucky for us! We had actually met at the park when Carson was born and we've just talked lots while at the park over the years. I tracked her down last winter and asked her about daycare, so she held two spots for my kids for when I went back to work. And the kids LOVE it. They have been there two full weeks now and Beckett hasn't cried ONCE when we left him there. He cried ONCE while he's been there because he bonked himself on the side of the playgym (yes, she has a playgym in their living room for the kids, how awesome is that?). Their house is set up perfectly for kids, every day they play new games, read new books, dress up in a different costume, sing new songs - it's wonderful! And we've already noticed a change in Carson - specifically with numbers. He's counting EVERYTHING. ALL.THE.TIME. It's cute (except if you are trying to go somewhere quickly and he's trying to count the sidewalk steps).
Our caregiver makes all her food, nothing processed, she feeds them tons of fruits and veggies and really yummy healthy food. Beckett has had regular naps every single day there. He's started reaching for her when Jeff drops him off in the morning. And Carson? He LOVES it. Her little boy and Carson are the same age and they have so much fun together. The other day when I picked the kids up, she told me that while she was giving Beckett a bottle her son was stroking his head singing "Im so happy you are here Beckett, I love you" while her daughter was chasing Carson around trying to give him hugs and kisses. Seriously? Could I have asked for a better solution? I dont' think so!
I think I've caught up, I'm sure I have forgotten something. We just got back from a cottage (Carson LOVES cottaging and he falls asleep in wahtever strange bed, floor, tent, mattress we put him on, he's wicked! And so does Beckett in that respect, he went ot bed and his nap without a peep when he was right in the room beside where the rest of us were hanging out!) so I'm in bed and anxious to turn the computer off and shut my eyes.
Hopefully it won't be another two months until you hear from me again.