But after a weekend like today? How can I think that?
I start the morning off by snuggling two of the cutest boys ever. My boys love me, they love each other and they LOVE to snuggle. Once we come downstairs from all waking up, we often get together on the couch and have full blown on family cuddles. Mommy, Daddy, Carson and Beckett.
After a quick breakfast, I loaded up the car and we took off for Grandma and Nono's house by the lake to surprise Grandma on her birthday! We had a visit, ate some timbits and then loaded up for a boat ride. Carson is obsessed with swimming in the lake. It's what he talks about morning noon and night. Even though this is only his second time, and that he's only 3, he was ready to jump in as soon as we made the decision to swim (it was quite cool out, and we thought maybe they would only be dipping their toes in, but as soon as we sat on the edge the sun came out so Carrie and I made the executive decision to go for the gold). Uncle Rob had to hold him back while I dove in and swam back to get him. He was just dying to get in and as soon as he jumped and went to get him he said "No mom, don't touch me, just let me swim". Ummm... ok?
After the trailer, we came home and when Beckett went to bed, Carson and I took off and biked to the water park. We had a popsicle picnic and then went nutso in the water.
As soon as we got home from the water park we hopped in the car and went to Julie and Tim's for a BBQ. Carson loves their house, they have a tire swing, the best play kitchen, tons of outdoor toys, a bubble gun, their tree swing - it's a kid's dream. As soon as he hears we are going over he tells me everything that he's going to do while we are there.
I love getting together with my friends and their kids. I love their kids. My friends are my friends that I've had since highschool, so obviously I've known their kids since the day they were born and it's just amazing to talk to them as little people. Anyways. Love them.
Got home, both kids were on overdrive and didn't fall asleep the way I thought they would. But now they are both asleep and I'm sure excited to see what tomorrow brings.
So a day full of family, friends, my kids and my husband? Sounds like I'm pretty darn lucky. I need to remember that more often. Life is pretty good round these parts.
Oh, and just cause he's cute. Here are some picture of Mr B showing off his new chompers. Really, he's this happy all the time. It's crazy.

Holy cow. I have to go to bed too after just reading about that day! Sounds fabulous. 8) And you're right, it's all about being thankful for what we have NOW. I'm all about the now.
And your boys--ya, totally adorable. 8) Can't wait to playdate again now that our germs are gone. 8)
So nice to read on a Monday morning. Cheered me right up!
Sounds like a super perfect weekend. What a busy but fun day.
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My name is Stacey Castili, I'm from south Africa, This is how God used Prophet Abuvia to broke the chains of barrenness in my life after 15 years of marriage.
My husband and I have been praying to God for the fruit of the womb after our marriage. We went to several hospitals looking for solution but the doctors said my womb is damaged. My husband’s family started threatening me, calling me all sorts of name, even my mother in law brought a lady from the village to give to my husband but I was steadfast in prayers with tears that God must prove himself in my life.
Last year, I saw a testimony post of how this great man heal someone from HIV/AIDS virus, i was so confident about this man and i visited his website www.prophetabuviasolutiontemple.webs.com , and i narrated everything I'm passing through to him, after few hours, I got a response from him saying YOUR TIME IS NOW! START BUYING YOUR BABY CLOTHES!. I keyed into the declaration. He told me what i was going to do, my faith was so high , i did what he ask me to do without wasting time.
My people, I am writing this testimony with four babies because I got pregnant last year and gave birth to four children! Three girls, one boy! It was the lords doing because I already gave up. My husband’s friends and families who already mocked me gathered to celebrate me and my news traveled across the country. God lifted me up from shame to glory…. please everyone that is reading this post, join me to thank prophet Abuvia. his email is prophet.abuvia@abv.bg
bayinya manis ya..
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