We were going to keep Carson in the same place as his nursery school but in the before/after school program and then look for home-care for Beckett. But then I thought about Sarah, this woman I know from the park. We met when our first kids were old enough to go to the park. We were both there often (and lots of times the only ones there!) and so we started chatting. I always thought she was such a great mom, I loved seeing the way she talked to & played with her son. We would talk about tons of things, one of them being child rearing and it seemed we always had the same views, thoughts and opinions on all different aspects of raising our children.
A couple days after I found our caregiver, Sarah asked if I was looking for care. She said she decided not to go back to work. We had already found care so I had to say no, but often thought of Sarah and possible daycare. She had a little girl a few months before I had Beckett, so we saw each other at the park over the summer but I haven't seen her since the fall.
I kept looking for her the past couple weeks, when I wasn't at the park I'd be looking out my back window at the park looking for her. I always kept my eyes open. Then I reverted to stalking. I cant divulge my methods, but I ended up with a phone number and called this afternoon. She told me I had impeccable timing because she was just thinking about taking a child in her son's age and one her daughter's age. Which is EXACTLY what I have! So we are getting together next week to talk about things but I think this must be the absolute perfect scenario. I'm giddy just thinking about it. Her son will also be going to the same school as Carson, which again... perfect!
The weather has been beautiful outside these days. We've spent lots of outdoor time outside: building snowmen (Carson actualy was quite concerned that the snowman wasn't going to be able to pee and asked that I make it anatomically correct. But I just couldn't do it) we've played at the park, gone for walks, used our toy grocery cart to pick up bottles and cans on the street after recycle day, gone to Grandma's, tried to feed the birds again (but they weren't out!),
It truly is the most satisfying feeling to find a care situation for your children that you are comfortable with and happy about. My caregiver is quite fantastic, a second mom for my boys. I am so happy about that. This, quite literally, makes it a breeze to go to work every day. I NEVER worry about them. They are loved, well cared for and having a great time. Huge weight off our shoulders. So happy for you.
Hope your babysitting arrangements workout. Enjoy the remaining time home with the boys.
اقوي شركة رش مبيدات بالاحساء
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