I called Jeff the other morning and asked him to win the lottery so I could stay home with the kids. He said "You're only saying that because it's summer" and he's right. I love love love the nice weather and am a WAY better parent when we can spend our days and nights outside. I can always think of a million things to do outside, yet inside I struggle.
First, this is what I wake up to in the mornings, don't you wish you were me?
He's top four teeth are coming in, and honestly - his mood hasn't changed. I know I keep repeating myself, but trust me, it's worth repeating. He is the happiest little boy ever! The other day we were at brunch with the family (Grant's 1st communion!) and Beckett found a packet of jam and bit into it (without us noticing) and when Jeff caught on, he took it away and Beckett cried (I mean, who wouldn't?) and Nadia said "that's the first time I've ever heard him cry"! It's true, he's the most calm, happy, patient baby ever. If you would have told me I would have loved my second son this much, I would have said you were crazy. But I do. And then some. And then some more.
In other news, Jeff flew home to PEI this week because his Grammy Reid passed away so the boys and I have been on our own. So far we've had a great time, but we sure miss our Dad.
Here are some pictures not from this week (why you ask? Well because my batteries were dead and I kept forgetting to charge them) but that I forgot to add in the last couple of posts.
One of Beckett's favourite places to go when I'm not looking.
When Deanna was here, we took Carson for his first ice cream of the season. And Carson wanted to share with his brother! Yes, Beckett isn't even a year old. But, he needs a treat too, doesn't he?
And this was definitely unprompted. And if anyone knows Carson, they know he LOVES his icecream, so for him to share it without being asked? That just goes to show how much he loves his little brother.
Looks like someone is following in his big brother's footsteps and his loves of cars!
Kaethe and I took our kids to the museum on the weekend, I thought this picture was hilarious. We are in the elevator heading upstairs to the children's area.
Carson riding the motorcycle.
The boys on the boat. Jaeda pretending to be angry about something. And the shirt Mr B is wearing? It was passed on from Jaeda. Making a phone call.
Trying to scale the pyramid. In the jungle. Crafting. The kids could operate this crane and move the crates/packages from the deck of the boat to the ground. Carson shingling Fido's roof. Filling up the wheelbarrow. If I could find out where to buy these bricks/wood and wheelbarrow? Carson would never want to leave the house. The next day, Carrie and I took the kids for a big walk through the woods on the way to the park. They had a blast. Carson is definitely living up to my nickname for him "Pokey little Puppy". He has to look at what seems like every branch, every rock, every cloud. I love that about him, but sometimes I just want him to hurry up. Jeff would say that's my number one problem, I always want to hurry - to get onto the next thing. Maybe I have something to learn from Carson :)
This was after a long day playing (is it so wrong that I love his blackened little feet? I remember my feet always being black when I was a kid, I love barefeet in the summer! Still do actually)
Grammy and Grampy were leaving Florida and came to Ottawa on their way home to PEI. Carson was beyond excited for them to come and we counted down the number of sleeps until they were here.
The weather was beyond beautiful, and we took full advantage of it! Rather then writing about it all, I thought I'd show you through pictures.
Grammy, the boys and I headed to the farm:
Carson LOVES his new soccer ball that Grammy and Grampy gave him:
Our Easter egg hunt took us outside as well as inside (yes, that's Carson using one of Jeff's hat as a basket, definite mommy fail!). He got a baseball bat from the Easter bunny and Jeff took him outside that morning and he smacked a ball over Jeff's head! Born natural?
And I'm not sure where YOU live, but for us? Being in a pool (albeit baby pool) in the first weekend of April is unheard of! The weather was like a hot summer day, it was crazy. But crazy awesome.
Beckett loves water. He gets super excited at bathtime (hates getting his hairwashed, because he'd rather be playing with all the toys) and I was pretty sure he'd love the pool and we had to almost drag the both of them out of there.
He LOVED his Grampy. When he heard his Grampy, no matter where he was, he would stop what he's doing and turn his head every which way until he saw them. And then the smile that would appear on his face? Pure joy.
Auntie Olivia and Uncle Michael visited us as well, but I didn't get any pictures (I blame it on the daquiris) and we all had a lovely dinner (cooked by the visitors!).
Easter Sunday Beckett was baptized. It was a beautiful day and we didn't have a full service, only a baptism ceremony with just our family. Father Joe is the one who married Jeff and I, baptized Carson in a garden, and I was quite happy that he was able to baptize Beckett too (we only asked him 4 months ago, and he agreed to do it on Easter Sunday, awesome!).
Big brother Carson all dressed up for the baptism Carrie: Fairy Godmother!
Godparents Auntie Carrie and Uncle Rob Mommy, Daddy and our boy about to be baptized. 6 of the 7 grandchildren Auntie Olivia, Uncle Michael, Grammy, Grampy and us! Father Joe, godparents, grandparents and us. After the baptism was Easter dinner at Mom and Ricky's. As you can see, I spent most of my time outside (Beckett had a great, long nap (90 minutes!) so, great nap for him) so my pictures are of everyone playing outside and going on an Easter egg hunt.
So as you can see we had a wonderful weekend, jam packed with family, friends and the outdoors. We were sad to see Grammy and Grampy go, but we are already talking about how excited we are for PEI this summer.
About the beautiful weather we've been having About visiting family About Easter weekend About Beckett's baptism
But this weekend was BUSY and all I want to do is to get into bed.
I am just obsessed with Beckett lately. He's at the cutest baby stage where he's moving past the baby baby stage. where he's doing the inchworm (recon as Jeff likes to call it, where he uses his arms to move? Like dragging himself by the arms without use of his feet?), he's babbling constantly, he just nuzzles into my shoulder when I pick him up, he has a killer smile that melts your heart, he doesn't cry (seriously, this kid only cries when you put him down for a nap, and it's like 5 minutes) he has the sweetest disposition ever and as my sister in law said yesterday "It's the baby that makes you feel so good about yourself cause he's just so happy". And it's true.
And I'm not the only one who feels this way about him, see for yourself.
I'm a mom to two adorable boys: Carson and Beckett. I started this blog as a journal to keep track of Carson during his first year. One year turned into two years, and now we are in year three. And then along came Beckett so this will be about my TWO sweet little boys - the brothers. I plan on turning this into a book as a keepsake. Time flies so fast and it's so easy to forget when they first flipped over, when they got their first tooth, the sleepless nights etc.... this is my way of remembering.